Fluent Help Center

    Qolsys IQ2/IQ4 - Update My Panel's Firmware

    Find out how to update the firmware on your Qolsys IQ2/IQ4 Panel for improved performance and security.

    Update Panel Firmware

    1. Swipe down to access the menu.

      Swipe Tray IQ2
      Swipe Tray IQ4
    2. Select Settings.

      settings icon
    3. Press Advanced Settings and enter the installer code (Default is 1111).

      advanced settings icon
      Advanced Settings
      number pad icon
    4. Press Upgrade Software.

    5. Press Upgrade Using Network.

    6. If there is an update available, the panel will download it! Press OK to install and then the panel will reboot. Make sure that the panel is plugged in during the update.

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