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    IQ4 Panel - Activate doorbell chime on panel

    To enable the doorbell camera notification: 

    1. Log in to the Customer Website.
    2. Click Video.
    3. Click Settings.
    4. Using the Video Device dropdown menu, select the doorbell camera's name.
    5. Click Video Device Info.
    6. Click to select Send motion notifications to panel and/or Send button pushed notifications to panel as desired. 
    7. Click Save.
    Enable live stream to the panel
    1. Log into the Customer app with the customer's credentials.
    2. Tap icn-menu.svg.
    3. Tap Security System.
    4. Tap settings.
    5. Tap Stream Video to Panel.
    6. Enable desired cameras.
    7. Tap Save. Allow a few minutes for the settings to save to the panel. The panel may need to be power cycled. 
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